Scrupulosity during the coronavirus outbreak

Scrupulosity during the Pandemic

Last year (2020) lockdown was announced in different parts of the world due to coronavirus or Covid-19. Businesses have closed down, classes were resumed online, the economy plummeted, poverty struck its peak and many lives had been lost. Aside from that, it has caused health issues to several individuals mentally. Depression and anxiety were triggered.

Being scrupulous in the midst of a pandemic is both horrifying and relieving at the same time. When the lockdown was officially implemented last March 2020, I was rushing into the confession. I was doing my best to find a Church that I could receive communion. My mind was over the place. I was still adjusting that time from severe scrupulosity last 2019. To continue, I ended up confessing my sins but attending Mass online.

It was indeed a sudden and unexpected breaking of my compulsion. After that moment, I stopped confessing every week (I had no choice) and attend Mass physically. I would say, this changed me as scrupulous. I no longer do my programmed routine. The downside was aside from not receiving Him sacramentally, I became obsessed with the way I attended Mass and Novena. New normal, new obsessions. It sucked!

In case you are like me who are struggling with new obsessions this pandemic, here are quick reminders:

Intrusive thoughts are not sins

If you are having blasphemous and impure thoughts, it is not your fault (unless you deliberately do it to offend God).

Trust your intention.

Ask yourself, did I mean it?

If you are in doubt, consider it as not.

2nd Commandment for the scrupulous

“You shall confess only sins that are clear and certain.”

Try avoiding possible obsessions

Since some Churches are closed, Holy Mass is being celebrated virtually.

With this, there might be possible obsessions that could arise.

If so, avoid it right away.

You could do it by changing your reaction consistently.

Aside from fleeing from obsession, possible compulsion is also avoided.

Break compulsion ASAP

Assuming compulsions have been developed, do not let this prolong.

Break it as soon as possible.

This is an important reminder because if not broken, it will run your life.

Everything that you do will be extended.

Wait for your “perfect moment”, then break it!

Note: There are special days when OCD individuals can deviate from their compulsion, I call these rare instances, “perfect moments”.

For resources for scrupulosity, here’s a list.

This current pandemic brings a lot of challenges, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. We, scrupulous, are prone to obsessions and compulsions. Despite this possibility, the reminders above can help us to be fully mindful of our actions. Allowing us to focus on God alone without being bothered by the constant thoughts we will be having.

When the coronavirus comes to an end, these lessons that we learned could be applied in new situations we may encounter that could trigger our OCD.

Let us continue to pray for this trying time. That God may continue to strengthen us. That we may be blessings to others in our own ways.

Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.

St. Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

St. Roch, pray for us.

St. Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us.

St. Pedro Calungsod, pray for us.

St. Dymphna, pray for us.

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