Inspirational Catholic Books

Inspirational Catholic Books

At times due to various circumstances, we Catholics lose the fire within. We experience spiritual dryness. It is not that we don’t have faith anymore. It’s just we feel distant from God. There are many ways to overcome this crisis. One is to just keep the spiritual discipline. The discipline that works for me a lot is reading books, specifically inspirational Catholic books. It just motivates me to get back on track and refocus on what really matters, God.

Here are some of the must-read inspirational Catholic books.

No Greater Love

Author: Mother Teresa

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Mother Teresa has always been one of my favorite saints. Her work was an inspiration to many. This book talks about her life of love, dedication, and service. It features her thoughts on love, forgiveness, generosity, prayer, and the true meaning of being a Christian. Each read will cleanse your soul. It will help you renew your faith and convert your heart. This book can change the world. Truly inspirational.

Humility of Heart

Author: Fr. Cajetan Mary da Bergamo  

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With the generation we are in, humility is somehow downplayed. We tend to focus on being superior to anyone else. We inordinately embrace recognition. Vanity takes over us. This classic from Fr. Cajetan highlights the importance of humility. It teaches that out of this virtue another virtue is born. That if one practices humility, the rest of goodness would follow. It contains short passages, best for prayer and meditation. An inspirational book to be humble.

The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming

Author: Henri J. M. Nouwen

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This book is Fr. Henri’s in-depth examination of the parable of the prodigal son. It all started when he had a chance encounter with Rembrandt’s “The Return of the Prodigal Son”. He was able to dig deep, producing great insights from the famed parable. The book has three (3) main sections. The first one is his reflection on the story from the perspective of the younger son, then from the perspective of the older son, and lastly from the perspective of the father. It transforms faithful into a new way of thinking about their place in the world by showing how we are all these characters. This is one of Fr. Henri’s best works. Exceptional.

Confessions: St Augustine

Author: St. Augustine 

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This is probably one of the most recommended Catholic books. Confessions is all about the spiritual autobiography of St. Augustine. It contains his wild, dissonant youth and eventual conversion to Christianity. To add, it also includes his significant philosophical and divine insight. The book is brilliant as it is but some have issues with translations. By far, this one is the most readable and relatable among other translations. Highly recommended!

Imitation of Christ

Author: Thomas Kempis

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I couldn’t stress enough how life-changing this book is. This is included in almost all of my book recommendations lists. It talks about focusing on God. That, whatever happens to us, in times of joy and especially tribulations, we need to be still, trusting Him. It also underscores how important humility in Christian life is. That, being humble will help us submit ourselves to God. If you haven’t read this yet, grab your copy now. It is indeed, inspirational.

The Priests We Need to Save the Church

Author: Kevin Wells

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Based on the title, the first impression about the book could be everything related to the priesthood as a vocation. Well, it is true, but it extends to the whole community whom the pastor shepherds. The content is all about the importance of holy priests and their role in building a holy society. That, although they lead us, it is still a combined effort of priest and laity to produce quality faithful. As someone who is discerning religious life, I would say, this is one of the inspirational Catholic books I’ve read.

Chiara Corbella Petrillo

Author: Simone Troisi & Cristiana Paccini

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Life’s challenges only do two things to us. It’s either, they break us or they make us. The life of Blessed Chiara was something worthy of admiration. This book points up her saintly take on the adversities life had thrown at her. It is inspiring how she courageously carried her cross with peace. With the attack on the family on this day, her story tells us that to love is to sacrifice. It is really a moving piece. It will inspire you to trust in the Lord, placing yourself entirely to Him. One of the best!


These are some of the inspirational Catholic books you can start reading now. Note that, more than obtaining lessons from these books, it is also important to take them into action. Let us be inspired and be an inspiration to others.

For more highly recommended Catholic books, check this out.

Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us.

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