Best Catholic Books for Young Adults

10 Best Catholic Books for Young Adults

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It is in young adulthood that people make important decisions for their lives. It is in this stage that they decide where to go to college, what course to take, what career path to pursue, and other matters that can substantially affect their future. With all these, faith can somehow be neglected. Young adults get too preoccupied. I am guilty of it because I once was. Thankfully, because of one important experience- my friend questioned my religion, I became curious about my faith that I spent time studying it. Apologetics got me. I got my faith back. And that was my turning point. This post might probably be yours! On this blog, I compiled some of the best Catholic books for young adults. These references can help you return to the faith and be a better Catholic.

Here are the best Catholic books for young adults.

Introduction to the Devout Life

Holiness is what we Catholics desire. We want to live for Christ. Following His will for us. But how can we do this if we are always distracted by mundane preoccupations? This is what this book is written for. This 400-year-old piece helps each one of us, in any walk of life to achieve holiness. It contains step-by-step instructions on how to devote daily life to God. Also, it will motivate you to make spiritual progress by incorporating prayer and Sacraments into a hectic schedule, defeating temptation and its periodic exercises. It is simple, practical, and powerful! This is the best catholic book for young adults.

The Catholic Youth Bible, 4th Edition, NABRE: New American Bible Revised Edition

Bible is just one of the significant contributions of the Church. It contains the word of God which we should be meditating on. As St. Jerome said, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ!“. Thus, it is a no-brainer that the bible is included in this list. I noticed that one issue faithful have with the bible is they don’t know how to read it. That’s why I recommend “The Catholic Youth Bible”. It has features that make it useful for everyone especially beginners. It contains the biblical history timeline, key points for reflection, trivia, and spaces for note-taking (good for journal lovers!). Explanations and cross-references are also well provided for better understanding. A must-have for young adults who want to ponder on the scriptures.

The Imitation of Christ

I must say, one of the greatest books I read! Young adults tend to live worldly life. They usually dream of brand new cars, huge houses, and fancy possessions, there is nothing with this, but at times we focus on these too much that we forget that getting closer to God should be our goal. This book can get you back on track of aiming God above all. It teaches austerity in living, strength when in pain, and love for God. This classic is just life-changing. Highly recommended!

How to Converse With God

A spiritual retreat in your pocket. Yes, you read it right! This booklet can change the way you feel in the present moment. St. Alphonsus teaches us here to use our daily tasks whether big or small to raise ourselves to God, conversing with Him in the most pleasing way. This contains 20 short chapters you can use for meditation and an index full of prayers. Its size is good as a daily carry so you can read it anywhere, anytime. Such a powerful read.

The Ways of Mental Prayer

Considered to be one of the greatest classics on prayer, this book teaches how to take our usual vocal prayer to the next level. This is an excellent introduction to mental prayer. Fr. Dom highlighted the beginning stages of prayer up to prayer of the quiet. He also explained the benefits and the trials of mental prayer. The book contains instructions for practicing this form of prayer which makes it beginner-friendly. It will leave you motivated to attain pious prayer. Easy to read and well-written. One of the best Catholic prayer books for young adults!

Lead with Humility: 12 Leadership Lessons from Pope Francis

At first sight, the cover might suggest that it is purely of religious content but actually this isn’t. It is applicable both in a religious and secular setup. Remember, being Catholic is not only practiced in the four corners of the Church. We should live our faith wherever we are and whatever we do. The book is all about leadership. And who else could be the best example than our current Church leader, Pope Francis? This reference tackles systematic approaches to what leadership is. It contains the five foundations of true leadership, faith, character, vocation, gifts, and skills. All of which is important in honing a great leader. This is perfect for young professionals who are leaders or aspiring leaders in their chosen field.

A Catholic Guide to Spending Less and Living More

Managing finances is a major responsibility one should never neglect. It is of high importance especially for young adults since young adulthood is a transition stage where budgeting becomes part of normal life. This book will help you achieve your financial goals by instilling the values you need. It teaches practical ways to live a richer life with less stuff. Financial literacy is a serious topic but Sam and Rob were able to make it light, easy, fun, and catholic. If you want to be financially free, check this one out!

What Does God Want?

As the title suggests, this book is what young adults should have in their collection. I mean, who amongst us doesn’t decide on life matters day by day? This book discusses how to make decisions in accordance with the will of God. Its five-part process will help you choose the right course of action to take. With so many factors to consider, this piece will give you the tools to conquer doubts and make wise choices. Great read. Five stars!

Discerning Your Vocation: A Catholic Guide for Young Adults

When we talk about vocation, some tend to think of priesthood. Although it is indeed a vocation, priesthood is not a sole one. Your calling could be in married, single, religious life, or priesthood. If you are not yet sure, this resource can help you discern. It gives you tools in knowing what God wants you to be. It addresses questions in a pragmatic way through testimonies, images, and examples. This book provides straight-to-the-point spiritual advice which is highly beneficial for someone discerning. Thumbs up!

Chastity: A Guide for Teens and Young Adults

In today’s generation, chastity is somehow being downplayed. This virtue has actually a massive impact on a family which the Church regards highly. This book guides young adults to live a life of purity. It covers all aspects of being chaste, from necessary safeguard up to careful preservation. It also brings to light the difference between physical sex and personal sex attractions. A must-read for all not just for young adults.


As once a young adult, I know the struggles. It was tough witnessing the changes physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. These could make you or break you. But one thing is for sure. God is in control. All we have to do is to trust in Him and be holy which these books can help you achieve. Happy reading!

For more Catholic books, check this out.

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.

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