Visuals are important for us Catholics. It reminds us of God’s love for us. It draws us closer to Him. These tangible things are not limited to the Churches. We can also incorporate them into our homes. In this blog post, we will discuss Catholic Home Decor. We will list tips for designing our abodes, making them truly Catholic.

Create a Prayer Space
Having a space dedicated to prayer is a must for us Catholics. You can designate an area for a reflection, whether small or big. Putting a comfortable chair, or a kneeler with a table that serves as an Altar is also a great idea. You can add candles, a crucifix, and a prayer journal to enhance a personal sanctuary.
Displaying Religious Symbols
Another way to make your home Catholic is by integrating religious symbols all over. Some of these are Statues of Saints, Sacred images such as the Holy Family, and crucifixes. You can place it on shelves, walls, or even on bed sheets. These will serve as reminders of your Faith.
Adopting Liturgical Colors
The colors of the liturgy are also an amazing addition to decorating a Catholic home. You can use the colors of various liturgical seasons such as Advent, Lent, Christmas, or Easter to improve the visuals of your home. You can put them on tablecloths, curtains, and even cushions.
Celebrating Holy Days
Lastly, celebrating the Catholic Holy Days is another practice to make your Faith a central part of life. Aside from attending Mass, this could be having a family lunch or dinner on Sundays or Holy Days with meals associated with that specific day, praying devotional prayers, or preparing extra activities for Feast or Solemnity Days.
There you have the best practices for creating a domestic Church,
These Catholic Home Decor tips will surely inspire and motivate you to live out your Faith. The above will help you build an environment that will grow your and your family’s love for Christ and the Church.
May you have a holy abode!